Arts Award Voice

Arts Award Voice
Arts Award Voice is a new youth platform. It is a magazine website, run for young people by young people, which helps young people make the most of doing their Arts Award.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

AAA Meeting With Adviser

Today I had a quick chat to my adviser about what I was doing and my ideas. The main talking point was what it was I wanted to gain from unit 1. After discussing my ideas it became clear that I would like to work with sound but it was more about finding a new way of displaying my work or a art form to make displaying work more interesting and to give the viewer more information. So I am going to visit gallerys to use for other units but also to see how work is displayed and to get ideas on a new art form i would like to learn about for showing my work.

It was also said that I should start to think about any ideas for unit 2 as this unit could take a long time as I might need to arrange a lot like funding and permissions.

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