Thursday, 29 July 2010
U2.2 Poleagte Town Council
Friday, 23 July 2010
U2.2 Charity
Dear Children with Cancer fund
I am writing in regards to a photography competition I am running “the Pride of Polegate” which will see the 12 best images produced into 150 calendars.
If you would like any further information please contact me, and please let me know if you would like your logo on the calendar. I would like this by the 31st August to enable a smoother send to print and designing can begin.
U2.2 Competition Info

The Pride of Polegate Photography Competition Criteria
The Pride of Polegate Photography Competition Entry Form
The Pride of Polegate Photography Competition Press Release
The Pride of Polegate Pride Photography calendar poster
U2.1 Sponsors letter
Today I have sent letters to all of the 9 confirmed sponsors and still in talks with a further 3 firms.
Dear Sponsor
I am writing to thank you for your £30 sponsorship towards the production of the Pride of Polegate Photography competition calendar. These will be available to Polegate residents for a suggested donation of £3, which will go directly to the Polegate based charity, Children with cancer fund. I would like to thank you for offering to sell a small number of calendars in your shop.
In return of your sponsorship you have space for advertising, which can be seen from the enclosed sample layout. I would like to have all advertising and sponsor money by the 31st August to enable a smoother send to print and designing can begin. Please let me know when a suitable time is to collected sponsorship information and money.
The Photographic competition will run until October 15th and it will have a fast turn around before going to print. Judging will take place on Monday 18th October at Willingdon Community School between 4pm and 5pm. I would like to invite you to attend the judging of the photographs.
I would finally like to thank you for your support to enable my project to work.
Yours Thankfully
Dan Dunbar
Thursday, 22 July 2010
U2.1 Calendars
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
U2.1 Sponsors letter
I am writing to thank you for your £30 sponsorship towards the production of the Pride of Polegate Photography competition calendar. These will be sold for £3 which will go directly to the Polegate based charity Children with cancer, if you would like a small number of calendars to sell in your shop this can be arranged.
In return of your sponsorship you have space for advertising which can be seen from the enclosed sample layout. I would like to have all advertising before the 31st August to enable a smoother send to print and design. I would also like the sponsor money by the 8th October to enable easy of printing the final calendar.
The Photographic competition will run until October 15th and it will have a fast turn around before going to print. Judging will take place on Monday 18th October at Willingdon Community School between 4 and 5 pm. I would like to invite you to attend the judging of the photographs.
I would final like to thank you with your support to enable my project to work.
Yours Thankfully
Dan Dunbar
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
U2.1 Judging
Monday, 19 July 2010
AAA Phone Meeting
Press Releases - community involvement, local photographers, why/what/when etc, give them the facts let them write it to suit them.
Judging - How and why is this taking place it may be an idea to invite sponsors, also council involvement.
Printing - How will the candlers be paid for.
Website - How will people find out about it, It was said information could be put onto Willingdon school website.
Printing - Get different people to look at it before going to print.
Letter - I should send all sponsors a letter inviting them to the judging.
Time scale - Think carefully about time scales.
Calendars - How will I get calendars out quickly and early.
Friday, 16 July 2010
U2.1 Poleagte Town Council
Thursday, 15 July 2010
U2.1 Sponsors
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
U2.1 General Info
I am looking for local business to sponsor a month of the calendar for £30 and in return you have a strip at the bottom of the page for a logo, picture and contact details which can be seen on the attached image. All of these calendars will be given to Polegate residents and asked for donations for a Polegate based charity Children with Cancer.
U2.1 Competition Outline
July 19th - 25th - Write competition and press releases.
July 26th - 30th - unable to work on project.
August 2nd - 8th - Send out information.
August 9th - 22nd - Unable to work on project.
August 23rd - 31st - Collect all information and from sponsors if not before.
September 1st - October 15th - Competition.
October 11th and 12 - collect any out-stand money.
October 15th - competition ends.
October 15th - 18th organize images to be judged.
October 19th or 20th - Judge the images.
October 22nd - order the 150 calendars.
October 25th - might send out new press releases.
October 29th - sing off proof.
November 12th - calendars should have arrived.
November 15th - send out information about calendars.
November 22nd - 28th - give calendars to winners and sponsors.
December 1st onwards - give calendars to the general public.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Monday, 12 July 2010
Dan Dunbar, aged 17, from Polegate has received an award for a film about youth activism that he helped to make Dan‘s 40-minute documentary competed against more than 80 other entries to become a winner of the ‘Positive Images Awards’. This national scheme celebrates projects which show young people in fair and balanced way.
The film has scooped the accolade ‘Best broadcast created by young people’. Dan along with nine other young people aged 16 to 25 were trained and supported by national charity the British Youth Council (BYC) to make ‘Some Truth About Youth’.
Produced to celebrate the 60 anniversary of BYC, the documentary highlights the achievements of young campaigners over the last 60 years. The filmmakers spoke to MPs and activists about how they held past leaders to account and asked them what young people can do today to improve society.
The documentary, which was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) under their Young Roots programme, can be viewed on the British Youth Council website. It is also being shown on the Community Channel (Freeview channel 87) next Thursday (22 July) and Sunday (25 July).
Screenings of the documentary taken place held at the British Film Institute and at BAFTA in London. Youth groups, schools and others who would like to arrange a screening of the film can request a DVD copy from the British Youth Council by
Dan Dunbar says:
“This documentary explores how young people continue to achieve regardless of how we are stereotyped.”
U2.1 Team Calendars printing,
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm that the cost for 150 Wall Calendars - A4 13 leaves is £368.44
+ vat
We offer the following discounts if you are able to order early:
July 10%
August 7.5%
September 5%
October 2.5%
We require 3 working days to produce the proof for you and then we require
10 working for production from the return of signed off proofs.
So with all of this in mind your calendars will at the most cost £422.09 if
you order in October and the schedule is no problem.
Thank you
Friday, 9 July 2010
U2.1 Judging
Do the people enter prints or digital - prints are standard in competitions and quicker to judge and are UN-mounted prints also allowed.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
U2.1 Arts Award questions answered
What are you going to do?
How will you motivate the participants involved in your project?
Who is part of the team and what are their different roles and responsibilities?
What resources will you need and where will you get them from?
Are there cost involved - and if so where will you get the money from?
What are your plans for the public event?
How will you advertise or promote the event?
What are the health and safety considerations?
Do you need a risk assessment?
How will you know if the project has worked?
How will you collect feedback?
What things could go wrong? Do you have a back-up plan?
What else do you need to find out about or do?
U2.1 Adviser questions answered
Have a think about timescales and begin to draw a schedule up
Think about your audience – who is the competition for
Think about your aims – why are you doing the competition? Why that particular audience?
Is their a brief for the competition (e.g them, age rage, format)
How will people submit their entries?
How will you judge the competition?
Think about a marketing plan – at what points in the schedule will you contact the local paper? Will you need coverage on the radio?
Where will you hold the exhibition? How will you hang the exhibition?
Do you need funding and if so for what parts of the project?
Where could you get this from?
U2.1 Council questions answered
First off, you need a theme. We try to develop one that is relevant in a wider context/where there may be media coverage about a certain topic already as this means people may be more interested and aware of your topic. So this year, our theme is loosely based around the UN Year of Biodiversity - and our theme will be 'Hidden landscapes'. Choose a theme that allows for a number of different interpretations - so we are suggesting people can take photos of natural landscapes, urban environment, people or they can go for a more abstract interpretation.
I have decided on the theme the Polegate Pride which will allow a range of interpretations to be submitted.
Decide what categories of entry you are going to have - we have 3: 16+. 11-15 years and under 11. The hardest group to reach are the 11-15 years and we tend to have fewer entries from them. As we are a County Council, we allow entries from anyone who is resident in East Sussex. Will you be doing the same or going national?
The categories of entry will be 16+, 11-15,and under 11. I have not completed decided on how to have each age group however it might be 6 images from the 16+ and 3 each form 11-15 and under 11. It will be open to all people living in Polegate.
Launch date and closing date. Allow enough time for people to enter.
1st September to 15th October.
Decide on how you will publicise your event - for us, we use our website and our Council magazine, plus we send out a press release to local newspapers, we design posters (A3) and flyers (A5) and send these to libraries and schools. You will need to design a poster and write the copy to go on it - think about the image you use on your poster (if you use an image - you may go for typography only). And write your copy so it makes the theme v clear but allows for people's imaginations to explore the idea. Don't clutter your poster - we put v little copy on there and point people to our website for more info. Could you create a website for the competition and that way you can display everything on there - the theme, the copy that explains it, the rules, the entry form, competition closing date etc. Then you can display the winning pics on the website after the judging.
Stephen Shing's leaflet (8,000), posters in the libary, information sent to the schools, press release. hopefully the locally council website.
You will need to state what the rules are somewhere - if you can put it on a website then you have more room. If you are only working on paper, then you need to write the rules v succinctly and probably put them on the back of flyers. These need to cover things like - what format can people send pics in, how many can they send (we allow 3), can they be b&w as well as colour, where should they be resident to enter the competition, judges decision is final, if they take pics of people do they need to have a consent form signed by the person they have taken the pic of, are you going to reuse the winning photos? If so, where? By entering, does the photographer retain the copyright but grant you permission to use the image for, say, 2 years and where would you use the image? (For us this is relevant as we often use the images we receive on our website or in Council publications). But you need to make sure you take any publications out of distribution once the permission for use period has passed. Create an entry form that people have to complete - to include name, address, email, phone number, titles of photos, signature, and that they have read the rules. They can submit the form electronically and the signature can just be them typing their name.
Information to hopefully be on the council website, willingdon school website and sent to the other local school, also on fliers. People can send 3 pictures, b&w as well as colour. only Polegate residents to enter the competition.Judges decision is final. Pics of people do need to have a consent form signed by the person.By entering, the photographer retain the copyright but grant you permission to use the image for 6 months.
Entry form to include name, address, email, phone number, titles of photos, signature, and that they have read the rules. They can submit the form electronically and the signature can just be them typing their name.
Who will judge the competition - ask around anyone you know + in local camera shops, colleges etc if they know of good up and coming local photographers, or try to get a big name just be contacting them and telling them honestly what you are trying to achieve. Most people remember that they had to start out somewhere too and are happy to help if they can. You shouldn't have to pay the judge.
Hopefully Myself, Cllr Stephen Shing and two local people who head up the seaford photo club.
Regarding how can people submit the photos - in the past we have asked people to send them in as prints. This year, we are going to open a Flickr account for submissions.
Once spoken to the judges this will be decided.
Prize giving and a private view - try to arrange an exhibition of the winning photos either at a gallery or public space. Perhaps make the opening night a private view for the winners and their family and friends, and invite some press, heads of art or photography from local colleges etc.
150 Calanders to be given out across Polegate.
U2.1 Polegate Town Council
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
U2.1 Team Calendars printing,

Today I have spoken to Team Calendars printing about the service they could offer me and it much better than the local company and there have sent me a sample pack to show sponsors so they can see how much space there have to fill.
"We require 3 workings days to design your calendar and a maximum of 2 weeks for the actual printing after a final proof is approved."
Than there get sent by an overnight courrier.
150 A4 Wall Calendar - 13 Leaves In Block Date Style will cost £435
Monday, 5 July 2010
U2.1 Competition theme
I have found this competition on the web and it everything I want to cover in mine just a better wording, as I have wanted to be the public's viewpoint on Polegate however positive, so by calling in the "Polegate Pride Photography Competition" it allows any type of photography to be entered
The Pride of Herefordshire Photo Competition
The competition is open to amateur and professional photographers alike, who are residents of Herefordshire.
The Pride of Herefordshire Photo Competition judging panel will be looking for the photographers idea of positive aspects of living and working in the county. They will also consider a range of factors including composition, originality, interpretation of the brief and the ‘eye catching’ appeal of the photographs. The panel will not consider applications that are entirely people focused (due to permissions required), but will be looking for present rural, urban landscapes of scenes at events.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
U2.1 Internet Research
The production of 100 calendars:
Vista Print - 100 = £535.48 - limited design, plus vat and postage.
E-printing - 100 = 13 sides A4 Single sided (13 sheets) = £329 or 13 sides A4 double sided (7 sheets) = £318 - both need designing and vat and postage added on.
Colour Digital Print- 100 = 13 Page - Portrait = £370 - down-loadable design and vat and postage added on. |
Best Price and most likely printer.
A4 Wall Calendar - 13 Leaves In Block Date Style
One sheet for each month plus cover
All prices include design, online proof and delivery to any UK mainland address.
100 = £320 including vat.
150 = £432 including vat.
So I was looking to raise £400 from the first quote the local printing for the same price I can have 150 produced.
Saturday, 3 July 2010
U2.1 Councilor Stephen Shing
I asked Stephen about local competitions and there is very few and no photography competitions open to residents.
I also asked Stephen to help with judging the competition and he also suggested two local people who are the Chairman + Secretary of the Seaford Photographic Society, but I would need to move fast in planning this to allow time to book the date of judging.
Stephen also said that I would need to make a decision about the size of the calendar, how many etc o more asking for sponsors and that £25-£30 isn't such a bigger amount to sponsor and should fine this easily as long as I sell it to the owners and show them what it going to look like where it going etc.
Stephen has also agreed to talk about the competition in his news letter which goes to every house hold in the area (8,000). I am planing to meet with Stephen again in early August and he finish's the editing for the newsletter in mid August and gets delivered in the last week of August.