Wednesday, 30 June 2010
U2.1 Plan Ahead printing
The main points were:
14 pages is too costly.
A5 I said is too small.
A3 half ed did not look very good.
A mix of colour and b/w.
Double sided.
I decided the best way would be doubled sided.
The binding is job on its own and a fixed price of 0.90p per unit and the cheapest printing would be £3.15 so he said it would be around £4 per unit, he aslo gave me some sample paper and an example calander that they produced for this year.
So the total price for 100 calendars would be £400 and I would need to design the calander so I will be looking at different printing solutions.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
U2.1 Meetings
Monday, 28 June 2010
U1D Some Truth About Youth
The film asked members of the older generation what they could do to improve the society they live in, and politicians, leaders, campaigners and activists all agreed that young people can make a difference.
Jack Rowley, 24, vice-chair of the BYC, said: "This film highlights that young people have always played an important part in society - so why are we still the underdogs?
"It's high time that young people's contributions are recognised, and we're delighted that these top figures are leading the way by acknowledging the part that young people play in changing our society for the better.
"Through getting involved with campaigning and media projects like this, young people can make a real difference by coming together and getting their voices heard."
Speaking in the documentary Secretary of State for Business, Lord Mandelson, former vice-chairman of the BYC, advised young people: "Don't get mad, get organised. If everyone reached the conclusion that there's nothing that they as an individual can do to effect change, then change won't happen."
The film encourages young people to explore their cultural heritage, using resources such as the British Library and the British Film Institute (BFI).
The British Youth Council is a youth-led organisation for young people aged 25 and under across the UK. For more information go to
U1D Some Truth About Youth

The first team meeting will take place in central London on Saturday 25th April 2009 (Induction Day) with around ten full days of training,planning, filming, editing spread out until the end of the project in August
A few days later I got the news “I am really pleased to let you know that you have been selected by BYC to join the production team for the 60 Years Of Youth Culture Documentary.”
This is a press release about the project that was sent to me within the first week and it turns out the film I made for my Silver allowed me to get onto this project.
The British Youth Council has gathered ten young people to research, write, and produce a documentary film about youth culture in the UK over the last 60 years. The documentary, which is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, will show how British young people have been able to make an impact on society, make a difference through campaigning, and been involved in democracy and decision-making.
BYC is very pleased to welcome Dan Dunbar to the team and look forward to his contribution to a ground-breaking film. Dan was selected for his professional standard photography and his enlightening short film exploring how the Fire Service deal with emergencies. Dan will be interviewing MP’s, journalists, academics and other young people and The final film will be distributed around the UK on DVD and premiered in a top London cinema.
On Saturday 9th May was the first session working on the project, which included Interviewing Workshop’s,Intro to Equipment and Production Roles, Practice Interview’s in different locations, Planning – historical movements, style and participants.
It was arranged for use to spend Friday 29th May at the British Library to research the last 60 years. It was than ranged to visit the British Film Institute on n Tuesday 2nd June to look through their video archive for some clips for us to use and have another camera training session.
Shooting Schedule The production phase of the film is two weeks in June, allowing us to give you all more of a chance to receive training and work as a team with the camera before we go off to shoot interviews. These two weeks would be the week of the 15th June and the week of the 22nd June.
I was in the production team for the second week the 22nd to 25th June. Including, Paul Head, Julie Hayward, Peter Hain, Daniel Finkelstein and Edward Bickham.
“And amazingly enough the camera has only just stopped rolling but already I need info from you for the premiere. The screening will be from 5-6pm on Monday 3rd August at the Curzon Renoir Cinema at Russell Square.”
The next time we will all meet will be at the editing facilities at Camden City Learning Centre. As well as an introduction to the editing phase of the project and sessions with the editing software (Final Cut Pro) we will have some half way evaluation sessions and some script writing sessions.
As for the day of the screening – if you are available I will need as many of you as possible down at the cinema from 11am to help set everything up.

You are all invited to the Documentary team Evaluation meeting on Monday 17th August. The Meeting will start at 10.30am and end at 4pm.This will be the last time that you’ll meet as a team other than screenings!
Bafta Screening is happening on 8th of September.
The film is being broadcast on the on the 17th November.
Cinema screening of the final film at the BFI on the southbank on Saturday 28th November
U1D Documentary Synopsis
“What is happening to our young people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They ignore the law. They riot in the streets…” Plato, 4th Century BC
Since the inception of ‘young people’ as a social group in the 1950’s this view has been repeated with every new generation. With each new movement in youth culture the media has commonly reacted with an image of young people as dangerous, lawless, out of control and worse than ever. Our achievements are rarely emphasised and as the support of community centres and youth clubs are replaced by estate agents, cafes and half finished office blocks it’s time to take another look at the past and the positive role young people have played in fighting for equality, personal freedoms and ultimately the improvement of society. In the 60 years that the British Youth Council has been empowering young people a surprising list of people have passed through it’s door and gone on to hold various positions of influence and authority. Where are they now and what do they have to say about their youth and the situation of young people today? Who are their modern day counterparts who a working to make things better right now and what are their aims for the future of young people?
This is the overlooked story. A story of change, of young people challenging the status quo and the powers that be; campaigning on issues and fighting to get their voices heard for the benefit of everyone.
The British Youth Council (BYC) has recruited ten young people to make a documentary film based on British youth culture over the last 60 years. BYC aim to focus on the political movements and personal stories in which young people have been able to have an impact, make a difference and get involved with the issues of the day.
The project also aims to demonstrate the importance and process of looking at the past and recognising the cultural heritage of young people across the UK. In the journey taken by the production team the film will promote an active interest in cultural heritage and demonstrate how easy it is to access from sources like the British Library and the British Film Institute.
Movements that will be examined include:
Contributors include:
MP’s, Journalists, Campaigners/ Activists, Youth groups/ Young people and Artists
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
AAA U1D and U2.1
For unit 2 we discussed that I would need to find out: what calendars allready exist in the area, that I should speak to people I know who might have ideas e.g. local councilor, a local man who creates calendars and the town council. Where to produce them: online or locally. Funding: access fund, local business.
We also discussed why run a competition not just my own work and I answered If it was just my work the calenders would be just from one view point.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Thursday, 10 June 2010
U1C Media Profile, Paul Giddings
Paul Giddings a BBC producer and director.
His advice is to stay in contact with college friends as these will form contacts later on. Also keeping details of contacts, knocking on doors, work placements are training schemes are good to build on skills.
U1A Evulation Session
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Monday, 7 June 2010
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
AP Monthly Review
A- Planned Workshop
B- Opportunity research (Now I think this section is completed)
C - Completed exhibitions write up (Now I think this section is completed)
What I hope to have done in June.
A- Workshop in In Design + completed unit
B- Feedback
D - Idea planed out.
Unit 2 - Started to plan project.