Arts Award Voice

Arts Award Voice
Arts Award Voice is a new youth platform. It is a magazine website, run for young people by young people, which helps young people make the most of doing their Arts Award.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

U2.1 Competition Outline

July 12th - 18th - Talk to sponsor's, finalize judging and meeting with council.

July 19th - 25th - Write competition and press releases.

July 26th - 30th - unable to work on project.

August 2nd - 8th - Send out information.

August 9th - 22nd - Unable to work on project.

August 23rd - 31st - Collect all information and from sponsors if not before.

September 1st - October 15th - Competition.

October 11th and 12 - collect any out-stand money.

October 15th - competition ends.

October 15th - 18th organize images to be judged.

October 19th or 20th - Judge the images.

October 22nd - order the 150 calendars.

October 25th - might send out new press releases.

October 29th - sing off proof.

November 12th - calendars should have arrived.

November 15th - send out information about calendars.

November 22nd - 28th - give calendars to winners and sponsors.

December 1st onwards - give calendars to the general public.

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